We Are Seriously Not Having the Right Conversation! — It is the Spending Stupid!

By Sandra Crosnoe via Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Color me livid.  We have lost before we even get started if we don’t correct this matter.  

Let me see if I can show you  how this game actually works.

Case 1:  I say lets cut taxes 20%  and you come back with how about 10% and we settle on 15%.  You think you won because we cut taxes a little.  Spending wasn’t reduced one iota in this scenario!  The revenue will have to be raised somehow by this generation or the next.

Amount saved 0%

Case 2:  What if the opening gambit had been let’s cut spending 20% and you come back with how about 10% and we settle on 15%.  In this scenario we both won and spending was actually reduced a little right here and now.

Amount saved 15%

Do you see the difference?  Please think about it.  Shift the conversation.  Talking about taxes is a trap and you loose no matter what the compromise position is.  Here’s a sample letter if it helps you get started:

Dear Representative,

I don’t want to hear another word about taxes.

Not one single solitary word.

Don’t even think about raising them – not on me and not on my neighbors either!

Don’t come to any of us asking for more money.  We are united on this matter.

You already have plenty.

You simply have not learned to prioritize correctly.

It is really pretty easy.

Do not spend more money than you have.  Do not ask me for more.

Let’s see how much government we can cut before anyone (not on the payroll actually misses any of it).

Thank you for getting our spending priorities in order and balancing our budget.  It is after all what we elected you to do.


A Taxpayer

For Reference:

By the numbers: Winners and losers of Oklahoma’s proposed budget

Post originated via Finding Gems & Sharing Them – We Are Seriously Not Having the Right Conversation! It is the Spending Stupid

The Open Government Project – Hear the Bills!


Does Oklahoma truly have representative government?
Often times legislation which is introduced from our House Districts never see the light of day. Before legislation is heard for a vote on the House Floor it goes to a committee where often times at the whim of the committee chair is not given a hearing or even an up or down vote.
This has been the primary reason why most 2nd Amendment legislation and Life legislation has not made it to the floor for a vote. Most Oklahomans have been unaware that their voice in OKC has been stifled.
Please read the post below from our friend Sandra Crosnoe and contact your state representative’s ASAP. The 2017 Oklahoma Legislature convenes tomorrow, February 6th and a vital vote will be taken early in the morning which can bring truly representative government back to Oklahoma.

For Liberty,

Kenny Bob Tapp



The House officially convenes on Monday, February 6, and their first order of business will be to adopt the rules which will govern how they operate for the session. On that day, a representative will propose the adoption of the “Open Government Rule,” which states, “A bill shall be heard and receive a vote in committee if the primary author requests it in writing; and a bill, having passed committee, shall be heard and receive a vote on the House floor if the primary author requests it in writing.”

To help return a voice to the people and our representatives, please CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE by email and by phone. Your message should run something like this:

Representative _______, I am one your constituents, and I am asking you to vote YES on February 6 on a new House rule, called the “Open Government Rule,” which would effectively guarantee all representatives a right to have their bills heard in committee and receive a recorded vote if they so desire. I want to see the legislative processes reformed to discourage corruption while encouraging transparency and accountability. As it currently stands, the Speaker and his Committee Chairmen can kill your bills without a hearing. That violates the foundation of representative government, denying you and your constituents an equal voice.

Continue reading this article on OKGrassroots – Activist Alert: Open Government Rule is a Top Priority on Feb 6th

Join the online grassroots community to be a part of this effort and more here.

The Open Government Project – Hear the Bills!

Vote No On Retention Of Oklahoma Supreme Court Justices

radical-american-terrorism-abortion-crroppedVote No On Retention Of Oklahoma Supreme Court Justices
Oklahomans in general have stood for family values and most importantly, for the right to life of unborn children.  Tragically, since 1973 unborn children have been murdered in their mother’s womb in abortion clinics all across the nation, including Oklahoma.
In 2012 I had the opportunity to join hundreds of Oklahomans all across the state in gathering signatures for an initiative petition, which recognized life beginning at conception. With enough signatures for the petition, and enough votes November  6th , it would have amended the Oklahoma Constitution protecting life from the moment of conception.  In April, the Oklahoma State Supreme Court opinionated  9-0 that the petition was unconstitutional and ordered it stricken. *1  It is deplorable that the entire Supreme Court, in one of the most conservative states in the nation, would overrule our unalienable right to petition our government for a redress of grievances, and would support the continued murdering of defenseless unborn children.
Fast forward to March 2016, Oklahoma Abolish Abortion Evangelist Thomas Hunter and others introduced another Initiative Petition which would have abolished the murder of our unborn children in Oklahoma.  The Initiative went before a protest hearing and again the Oklahoma Supreme Court opinionated 9-0 that it was unconstitutional and prohibited signatures from being gathered on it. *2 
On November 8th, two of the nine State Supreme Court Justices will be on our ballot for retention.  I strongly encourage my fellow Oklahomans to stand for the right to life of Oklahoma’s unborn children and VOTE NO for the retention of Douglas L. Combs, and James R. Winchester to the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
For Life,
Kenny Bob Tapp


SQ777 Right To Farm Or Harm? — A Rancher’s Perspective

vote-no-on-888-blue-bkgdSQ777 Right To Farm Or Harm?
A Rancher’s Perspective
Rights such as the right to your person, property, and own industry are Inalienable, granted to you by your Loving Creator, which means they cannot be tampered with, providing no one else is harmed by them. 
I believe Oklahoma State Question 777 is being supported by mostly well intentioned people. 
At first it sounded great to this Oklahoma Rancher, until I actually took the time to read the language. Not only was it too vaguely written, but I also started to see the red flags.
This is the language that will be amended to the State Constitution if this passes on November 8th.
“Section 38. To protect agriculture as a vital sector of Oklahoma’s economy, which provides food, energy, health benefits, and security and is the foundation and stabilizing force of Oklahoma’s economy, the rights of citizens and lawful residents of Oklahoma to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state.  The Legislature shall pass no law which abridges the right of citizens and lawful residents of Oklahoma to employ agricultural technology and livestock production and ranching practices without a compelling state interest.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify any provision of common law or statutes relating to trespass, eminent domain, dominance of mineral interests, easements, rights of way or any other property rights. Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify or affect any statute or ordinance enacted by the Legislature or any political subdivision prior to December 31, 2014.”
The first red flag was the “compelling state interest” language.  Imagine if the 2nd Amendment was written this way:  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed without compelling state interest.”
Farm Bureau representatives have told me the “Compelling State Interest” language would have to be decided in the courts, and the thought of 777 eventually winding up before the same State Supreme Court that opinionated against the last two Life initiative petitions should send chills up your spine. These two proposed amendments would have likely ended abortion in Oklahoma. This same Court also opined that the 10 Commandment’s monument be removed.  It’s also interesting that Farm Bureau President, Tom Buchanan, told a group in Norman back in September regarding the “Compelling State Interest” language, “I wish it wasn’t in there.” *1 The major proponents  of  777 have taken one out of  Nancy Pelosi’s play book: “We’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it.” 

Also, the measure would hamper if not prevent the Oklahoma Farmer and Rancher from taking legal recourse against a major ag corporation if their property, water, crops, or livestock are harmed by the corporation’s farming practice. To add fuel to this fire, OUR 
water was made a “Compelling State Interest”  with the passage of HB 2446 this last legislative session as a bone thrown  to the leftist groups in an attempt to get them on board with 777. *4
China has been purchasing ag corporations the last few years (Smithfield Farms for example). SQ 777 could also potentially protect their interests over the Oklahoma Farmer and Rancher.  Chinese and other large corporations would be protected and easily supersede the rights of the small Farmer and Rancher in this provision,  the rights of citizens and LAWFUL RESIDENTS of
Oklahoma to engage in farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state.” Not only would it have been an uphill battle in the past for the little fellow to defend in court against corporate interests, who may have harmed his water or crops through pollution and spraying, for example. This language as a constitutional amendment appears to make that almost impossible, and now would also give Oklahoma foreign owned corporations the upper hand. *2 
Concerns with this provision:  “Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify any provision of common law or statutes relating to trespass, eminent domain, dominance of mineral interests, easements, rights of way or any other property rights. Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify or affect any statute or ordinance enacted by the Legislature or any political subdivision prior to December 31, 2014.”  Many conservatives and those of us in agriculture see that our liberal State Supreme Court would very likely codify with a court opinion the detrimental eminent domain laws and laws prior to 2014 that attack our rights, such as prohibiting individuals from taking their eggs outside of their farm to sell without a license (state permission).
SQ777 does not protect our inalienable rights already given to us by our Creator to make a living and handle our property as we see fit, as long as we do not interfere with another’s right.  This proposed constitutional amendment simply removes the artificial controlling authority of those Inalienable Rights from the state legislature, whom we can easily replace with other candidates, to a tyrannical supreme court that is almost impossible to remove.
There are those who claim that 777 would prohibit unconstitutional intrusion into our farms and ranches here in Oklahoma by federal agencies such as the EPA, USDA, etc.  This is simply not the case, looking at the language and as also admitted by our State Representative and a Farm Bureau Rep at a town hall meeting I attended.
Many are supporting 777 out of blind fear simply because infamous groups such as HSUS oppose it.  Our concerns should be with a group that has had a very detrimental effect to Life and Liberty in Oklahoma, The Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce.   If you look at the authors and sponsors of 777, the majority of them are State Chamber backed candidates.   For almost 10 years of my citizen grassroots involvement in promoting 2nd Amendment legislation, abolish abortion legislation, free market efforts, and opposing insurance exchange efforts (Obamacare) in Oklahoma, the Oklahoma State Chamber and their controlled legislators have been at the forefront of stopping or opposing all these efforts and more.

My point is, while we haven’t had any negative effects by the infamous HSUS in Oklahoma who oppose 777, Life and our freedoms have taken a huge hit from the infamous State Chamber, who apparently is the huge reason we have 777 on the ballot in Oklahoma.
Our Inalienable “Right To Farm” is already protected in the Oklahoma Bill of Rights:  Section II-2: Inherent rights.   All persons have the inherent right to life, liberty, the
pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry.” *3
Rights, such as the rights to our persons, property, and own  industry, are solely gifts from our  Loving Creator, not men.  I urge my fellow farmers/ranchers and conservatives to hold on to those rights and refuse to grant them to the state via a rogue Oklahoma Supreme Court by voting No on SQ 777 (Right To Harm).

Mary Fallin vetoed legislation to save babies while saving feral hogs…

So Governor Fallin (Bloody Mary) vetoed legislation today which would have made it a felony for a doctor to murder an unborn baby, vetoed a bill which would have allowed property owners day or night to kill feral hogs and vetoed a gun rights bill. Bloody Mary values the lives of wild pigs over innocent unborn children.

If Oklahoma is the Reddest state in the nation, it’s not because of a Republican Super Majority it’s due to the blood of innocent unborn children!

Join us on facebook here

Tapp into Common Sense



Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform – An Idea Whose Time Has Come! – Support SB 838

CAF Flyer Revised

Civil Asset Forfeiture legislation needs to be reformed in order to protect innocent people from having their property subject to legal theft by the state without due process. R3publicans (R3s) are working to help Oklahomans learn about this issue and what they can do to help reform the current law. The senate author of the bill to reform Civil Asset Forfeiture law in OK (SB-838) is Senator Kyle Loveless. Our hope is that public support for reform will be strong enough to ensure that this bill is heard in the upcoming legislative session and ultimately passed and signed into law. Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform is an issue everyone can get behind regardless of political leaning.

More info via OKGrassroots here >>>

George Washington on Maintaining Independence

George Washington Quote on Arms

“A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would include their own government.”

-George Washington


In the spirit of our Forefathers, wishing all

a very Happy Independence Day!


The quote for this meme is partially taken from Washington’s First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union.  Here is the actual text from that particular speech:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”


Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


Linda Murphy Endorses Kenny Bob Tapp for HD 61

I’m honored to receive an endorsement from Linda Murphy who was instrumental in the recent repeal of Common Core in Oklahoma.

Thank you for your confidence!

Linda Murphy Speaking to the High Noon Club 2013

“I am happy to support Kenny Tapp for House Seat District 61. Kenny has the solid foundation to provide leadership to represent the people of his district. He will take a strong stand for local control of education and the state’s right to remain independent from centralized control.”

Linda Murphy


Kenny Bob Tapp’s website 

Permalink: https://kennybobtapp.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/linda-murphy-endorses-kbt/

Mark Costello Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Endorses Kenny Bob Tapp in House District 61 Race

Mark Costello with KBT

I am honored to have the endorsement of Oklahoma’s Labor Commissioner Mark Costello. I look forward to working with him to streamline government and fighting against an out-of-control, centralized, federal government.

“Kenny Bob Tapp understands the proper role of government. He comprehends the need to reduce the size of government. Kenny Bob Tapp believes that federal agencies like OSHA hinder thriving small businesses and it is time to draw a line in the sand when it comes to the overreach of the federal government and its agencies in order to protect Oklahoma’s sovereignty, individual Oklahomans, and small businesses.

I am pleased to endorse Kenny Bob Tapp for House District 61 and look forward to working with him for a more prosperous Oklahoma.

Cast your vote for Tapp on June 24.”

Permalink here: https://kennybobtapp.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/mark-costello-endorsement