In the Bible going back to Genesis, God gave dominion and stewardship to individual man. From that time to this day, governments and certain individuals have come along to centralize or take that responsibility from the individual man and woman. As the book of Romans says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

We The People can position ourselves to take back the dominion which our Creator bestowed to us. The tool that can accomplish that begins at the precinct level, all the way to the state level in your political party.

Many of you may recall Senator James Lankford joining national Democrats in a deal to basically open our borders up to just anyone. A State Committee of the Oklahoma Republican Party was held in OKC on Saturday, January 27th. A regular cowboy from the Panhandle, along with others, drafted and passed a resolution Censuring and Condemning James Lankford on compromising your Liberty and security. Unknown to us, the national media would run with, and it forced James Lankford to immediately go on national shows like Fox News (among others) to do a very poor and embarrassing political spin attempt to cover his shameful actions. Glenn Beck, as well as others across the nation, ran stories and read the resolution on air. In the last several days this resolution — passed by every day business owners, farmers and cowboys at the Oklahoma Republican Party reclaiming their authority — spurred an awareness to people across the country that they too can reclaim their God given authority from tyrants in government.

You The PEOPLE can start taking back your authority, starting in your local party.
Who knows, you may even have a little fun along the way, nationally embarrassing out – of – touch tools like James Lankford, while stopping damaging actions in their tracks. Keep an eye on upcoming dates for your Republican Precinct and County conventions.
Take back your dominion and do it by using the tool of getting involved with your local Republican Party.

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