Open Letter from Kenny Bob Tapp – Because He is Not for Sale! – Vote Reminder for Tuesday August 26th

“Your VOTE will count tomorrow, Tuesday, August 26th in the runoff!

Since making it to the runoff, I have been asked by many, “What sets you apart from your opponent?”

Since announcing and running for this seat for over a year, now, I have vowed to keep the oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the Constitution of Oklahoma as your legislator. I’ve stated many times, that “you might not like what I say, but I will always tell you the truth.” I have never told anyone during my visits with folks what I think they want to hear.

All the endorsements that I have announced have been actual endorsements; I have not “implied” anything written or in print that is not verifiable. My ads have ALL been approved by me so that you, the citizens of District 61 wouldn’t and couldn’t be deceived by a hired spin-doctor or wordsmith.

My real life experience as a rancher, oil-field worker, and roust about has helped to define the importance of common sense and good judgment in everyday life.

As a young, energetic man, I have worked within the Oklahoma Grassroots for 8 years. We have gained ground in our efforts to fight for the Right to Life of the unborn (Personhood) in which more work needs to be done. I’ve worked, at the grassroots level, to preserve property rights. My service within the Oklahoma Republican Party as Cimarron County Chair, has afforded me the opportunity to work and build relationships with other legislators, watch the process at the Capitol, and understand the proper role of government. I am equipped to hit the ground running on day one, to represent the needs of District 61.

I support Constitutional Carry and have received the endorsement of the Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association. I am a member in good standing of Gunowners of America.

I support the complete elimination of the Oklahoma Income Tax by eliminating spending that does not benefit the state as a whole. Returning our spending level to below 2003 spending levels will provide for full repeal without raising property taxes.

I am not endorsed by the State Chamber of Commerce and the tall building crowd that promotes our dollars being spent on OKC projects such as the Indian Cultural Center, while ignoring Western Oklahoma and the Panhandle. I believe to truly keep the Panhandle and Western Oklahoma RELEVANT, our next representative must steer clear of “dark money” front groups with their strings attached. Those strings will only serve to strangle our family values and rural lifestyle.KBT is Not for Sale

I believe the choice is clear. The honor of receiving your vote Tuesday, August 26th is a vote for regular folks and against the status quo.

Don’t be deceived by rumors and innuendo being floated on my actual positions on many issues. If you have questions, you can reach me on my cell phone (580) 516-1907, leave a message if need be and I will call you back.”

Kenny Bob Tapp

For Life and Liberty on the Fourth of July – Independence Day!

For Life and Liberty
Text version of banner above:

In the spirit of those who signed our Declaration of Independence, pledging to each other their Lives, Fortunes and their sacred Honor.  Wishing all a blessed and safe Independence Day.

For Life and Liberty
Kenny Bob Tapp
OK House District 61


Tapp into the Issues in House District 61 Today!



“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – Declaration of Independence

The founding fathers recognized that to retain a free society that Life must be defended.

It’s been said by many that abortion can only be ended through increments. With over 50 million unborn children murdered since the infamous 1973 Supreme Court opinion, I am convinced that the states can and must end this vile practice through defining an unborn child from the moment of conception until natural death as a person through law and constitutional amendments.

Self Defense

Contrary to what we are told by politicians, the Founders did not put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution for the right to hunt. Knowing that we don’t inhabit a perfect world, our Founders recognized the vital importance of man’s inherent right to defense of self, family, and property. Sadly, that natural right has been infringed upon by both federal overreach and Oklahoma law.

I look forward to working with my fellow citizens and lawmakers to restore Oklahomans’ unalienable right to self defense, and not regulate it more.  I am honored to be a member of Gun Owners of America and the Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association.

Property Rights

As a fourth generation Oklahoma Panhandle rancher, I understand the importance of protecting ones unalienable right to the pursuit of Happiness (property ownership). I believe through private property ownership, the farming and ranching industry has made the Panhandle and North Western Oklahoma a very unique place to live and raise the next generation.

George Washington said it best: “Private property and freedom are inseparable.”


Under the Constitution of Oklahoma the state legislature has the obligation to provide for education.  If elected I will support keeping local control in our schools as it is the parents and teachers who have the relationship with the student, not some bureaucrat or those in Washington D.C. I will also support and will protect the right of the parents to choose alternative education, be it private or home education.

Health Care

With the passage of SQ 756 in 2010, Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly rejected the implementation of “Obama Care” in Oklahoma. (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).  There is no Constitutional authority mandating or directing the provision of health care or insurance. I will work with other lawmakers on effective state efforts that push back against an overreaching federal government, and work to pave the way for increased freedom and privacy in health care choices by Oklahoma.

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